Phrasal verbs in English

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When starting or learning English for a long time, many people experience difficulties in mastering phrasal verbs. This is because they can quickly and unexpectedly change their values, and there are a lot of them. Phrasal verbs are especially common in spoken English.
Verbs sorted by popularity.

Verb forms set up

3 forms of the verb set up in English

English verbs set up [set ʌp]
3 forms of verb set up: Infinitive (set up), Past Simple - (set up), Past Participle - (set up).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple set up.

set up

Verb forms wake up

3 forms of the verb wake up in English

English verbs wake up [weɪk ʌp]
3 forms of verb wake up: Infinitive (wake up), Past Simple - (woke up), Past Participle - (woken up).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple wake up.

wake up

Verb forms get up

3 forms of the verb get up in English

English verbs get up [get ʌp]
3 forms of verb get up: Infinitive (get up), Past Simple - (got up), Past Participle - (gotten up).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple get up.

get up

Verb forms hang out

3 forms of the verb hang out in English

English verbs hang out [hæŋ aʊt]
3 forms of verb hang out: Infinitive (hang out), Past Simple - (hung out), Past Participle - (hung out).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple hang out.

hang out

Verb forms pick up

3 forms of the verb pick up in English

English verbs pick up [pɪk ʌp]
3 forms of verb pick up: Infinitive (pick up), Past Simple - (picked up), Past Participle - (picked up).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple pick up.

pick up

Verb forms hand over

3 forms of the verb hand over in English

English verbs hand over [hænd ˈəʊvə]
3 forms of verb hand over: Infinitive (hand over), Past Simple - (handed over), Past Participle - (handed over).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple hand over.

hand over

Verb forms give up

3 forms of the verb give up in English

English verbs give up [ˈɡɪv ʌp]
3 forms of verb give up: Infinitive (give up), Past Simple - (gave up), Past Participle - (given up).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple give up.

give up

Verb forms go up

3 forms of the verb go up in English

English verbs go up [gəʊ ʌp]
3 forms of verb go up: Infinitive (go up), Past Simple - (went up), Past Participle - (gone up).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple go up.

go up

Verb forms turn off

3 forms of the verb turn off in English

English verbs turn off [ˈtɝn ˈɔf]
3 forms of verb turn off: Infinitive (turn off), Past Simple - (turned off), Past Participle - (turned off).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple turn off.

turn off

Verb forms hang up

3 forms of the verb hang up in English

English verbs hang up [hæŋ ʌp]
3 forms of verb hang up: Infinitive (hang up), Past Simple - (hung up), Past Participle - (hung up).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple hang up.

hang up

Verb forms grow up

3 forms of the verb grow up in English

English verbs grow up [grəʊ ʌp]
3 forms of verb grow up: Infinitive (grow up), Past Simple - (grown up), Past Participle - (grown up).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple grow up.

grow up

Verb forms wind up

3 forms of the verb wind up in English

English verbs wind up [wɪnd ʌp]
3 forms of verb wind up: Infinitive (wind up), Past Simple - (wound up), Past Participle - (wound up).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple wind up.

wind up

Verb forms go out

3 forms of the verb go out in English

English verbs go out [gəʊ aʊt]
3 forms of verb go out: Infinitive (go out), Past Simple - (went out), Past Participle - (gone out).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple go out.

go out

Verb forms put up

3 forms of the verb put up in English

English verbs put up [pʊt ʌp]
3 forms of verb put up: Infinitive (put up), Past Simple - (put up), Past Participle - (put up).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple put up.

put up

Verb forms find out

3 forms of the verb find out in English

English verbs find out [faɪnd aʊt]
3 forms of verb find out: Infinitive (find out), Past Simple - (found out), Past Participle - (found out).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple find out.

find out

Verb forms turn on

3 forms of the verb turn on in English

English verbs turn on [tɜːn ɒ]
3 forms of verb turn on: Infinitive (turn on), Past Simple - (turned on), Past Participle - (turned on).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple turn on.

turn on

Verb forms come back

3 forms of the verb come back in English

English verbs come back [kʌm bæk]
3 forms of verb come back: Infinitive (come back), Past Simple - (came back), Past Participle - (come back).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple come back.

come back

Verb forms stand up

3 forms of the verb stand up in English

English verbs stand up [stænd ʌp]
3 forms of verb stand up: Infinitive (stand up), Past Simple - (stood up), Past Participle - (stood up).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple stand up.

stand up

Verb forms go away

3 forms of the verb go away in English

English verbs go away [gəʊ əˈweɪ]
3 forms of verb go away: Infinitive (go away), Past Simple - (went away), Past Participle - (gone away).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple go away.

go away

Verb forms turn over

3 forms of the verb turn over in English

English verbs turn over [tɜːn ˈəʊvə]
3 forms of verb turn over: Infinitive (turn over), Past Simple - (turned over), Past Participle - (turned over).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple turn over.

turn over

Verb forms dress up

3 forms of the verb dress up in English

English verbs dress up [dres ʌp]
3 forms of verb dress up: Infinitive (dress up), Past Simple - (dressed up), Past Participle - (dressed up).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple dress up.

dress up

Verb forms put off

3 forms of the verb put off in English

English verbs put off [pʊt ɒf]
3 forms of verb put off: Infinitive (put off), Past Simple - (put off), Past Participle - (put off).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple put off.

put off

Verb forms follow up

3 forms of the verb follow up in English

English verbs follow up [fɒləʊ ʌp]
3 forms of verb follow up: Infinitive (follow up), Past Simple - (followed up), Past Participle - (followed up).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple follow up.

follow up

Verb forms run out

3 forms of the verb run out in English

English verbs run out [rʌn aʊt]
3 forms of verb run out: Infinitive (run out), Past Simple - (ran out), Past Participle - (run out).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple run out.

run out

Verb forms get back

3 forms of the verb get back in English

English verbs get back [get bæk]
3 forms of verb get back: Infinitive (get back), Past Simple - (got back), Past Participle - (got/gotten back).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple get back.

get back

Verb forms sit down

3 forms of the verb sit down in English

English verbs sit down [sɪt daʊn]
3 forms of verb sit down: Infinitive (sit down), Past Simple - (sat down), Past Participle - (sat down).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple sit down.

sit down

Verb forms look forward to

3 forms of the verb look forward to in English

English verbs look forward to [lʊk ˈfɔːwəd tuː]
3 forms of verb look forward to: Infinitive (look forward to), Past Simple - (looked forward to), Past Participle - (looked forward to).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple look forward to.

look forward to

Verb forms break down

3 forms of the verb break down in English

English verbs break down [breɪk daʊn]
3 forms of verb break down: Infinitive (break down), Past Simple - (broke down), Past Participle - (broken down).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple break down.

break down

Verb forms catch up

3 forms of the verb catch up in English

English verbs catch up [kæʧ ʌp]
3 forms of verb catch up: Infinitive (catch up), Past Simple - (caught up), Past Participle - (caught up).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple catch up.

catch up

Verb forms take out

3 forms of the verb take out in English

English verbs take out [teɪk aʊt]
3 forms of verb take out: Infinitive (take out), Past Simple - (took out), Past Participle - (taken out).
📚 10 examples, 3 forms of verb and past simple take out.

take out

On our site you will find the most common phrasal verbs with an indication of their transitivity and separability in each of the possible cases of using the verb.